Our Artists

Adriana Soares

My Artworks reflect on a life that began with a passion for painting since childhood. The career as a model introduced me to the world of photography.
Later on, I started working as a photographer and I transformed my childhood passion for color into photo-pictorial works. The fusion of restless faces with urban or natural scenery becomes the soul of my Art.
The circle closes, the child and the artist coexist in a single body, expressing a new artistic language.

Alessandro Pizzi

I was born in Rome and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. I currently am a doctor specializing in Internal Medicine.
My artworks blend clinical cases, studied and observed during my job, with psychological concepts and personal experiences.
I mainly create my Artworks on canvas and wooden boards, using ballpoint pens and acrylic paints.

Carlo Manca

I did not know I had an artist’s soul. Art helped me survive one of the most difficult moments of my life. It turned pain into color. I transform my experience of emotions into lines and colors.
In each of my Artworks I chase the utopia of breaking down the barriers of diversity in every possible form. Each drawing has its own emotional life, but I always leave it up to the viewer to interpret it.

Edoardo Fabrizi

My name is Edoardo and I am an architecture student and photography enthusiast. In addition to architecture I have discovered my passion for street photography a few years ago.
I shoot mainly in urban contexts. This has given me the opportunity to capture silent moments in the chaos of the historic metropolis of Rome.

Federico Putignano

I was born in Rome in 1994, and since childhood I developed a strong attraction for nature and in particular for mountains. Focusing on this passion I managed to become a professional photographer, specialized in landscape and astrophotography, and an expert connoisseur of Italian and North European mountains.
My vocation is to convey, through photography, my love for the natural habitats that surround us. In my Artworks our Planet blends with the Galaxy.

Melania Commodo

Photographer and Post-producer born in 1993 in Rome. Indulging the passion handed down for fun by my father, I left Biological Sciences studies and enrolled in a master’s program in Photography, specializing in Post-production.
I photograph everything that I perceive as special and precious, in order to make it visible especially to those who cannot perceive it.
Photography is being conscious and loving ourselves, taking our time, appreciating and respecting every element that surrounds us: air, earth, water.


My name is Sabina and I am an illustrator. For years I have dedicated myself to experimenting with graphic arts, both traditional and digital.
My creativity allows me to give concrete form to an inner imagination that I would not be able to express just through words. My Artworks represent Rome and its different lifestyles.


I’m an artist and entrepreneur from Vicenza, Veneto. I have always been passionate about Science Fiction and Symbolism.
I imagine new worlds through the creation of 3D environments, explored by avatars (in this collection the astronaut Tom). His space travels represent the continuous search for something that goes ‘beyond’ our idea and perception of reality.


My name is Voodie and I am a silent storyteller, a hunter of overlooked details, a voice that sounds familiar to those who can hear it. My art is not really mine. It belongs to itself, it was there before me.
My passion started in high school while studying vegetables under a microscope in biology class. Years later, thanks to my job as a 3D modeler, I started experimenting the fusion between cells and renderings.
My Artworks are a 3D explosion of cellular structures as seen under the microscope.